October 2010 (10)

Sunday, October 31 2010

Ardent Knitting

There has been some knitting going on at Tigh Lockhart, but progress has been a little slow due to other commitments recently.  However, some time back we visited Brora which is on the east coast of Scotland.  Brora used to have a woollen mill, and they had a wonderful range of tweed yarns.  Sadly  […]

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Saturday, October 30 2010

You ask, I obey!

The Christmas 2010 Sock Yarn is ready.  Thank you to everyone who e-mailed or left a comment on the blog.   You can find it in the shop here.Also available are the new hat kits.  The patterns for all 3 hats will be up soon too, in case you just want the pattern rather than the kit.And if you're  […]

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Monday, October 25 2010

The annual event which shall not yet be spoken of

When I returned from Shetland at the beginning of September I popped into some shops on my way back up the road to Assynt.  I was both astounded and really annoyed to see that some shops already had their, let us call them "festive items" in the shops.  For goodness sake - this was  […]

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Sunday, October 24 2010

Winter Preparations

Since getting back from Australia there has been an icy north wind blowing, and snow has begun to appear on the tops of hills around Assynt, making it clear that winter is approaching.  But the beautiful, crisp mornings that we have been having allows for great photographs, and yesterday I managed  […]

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Tuesday, October 19 2010

Read all about it

I find it slightly uncomfortable reading about myself.  Although as the author of this article will tell you, I was certainly happy enough to talk about myself and my work.   Mandy and I chatted for nearly 2 hours, and I think she captured the spirit of what I do.  Thanks Mandy!

Monday, October 18 2010

Time marches on

Having been away for just over 3 weeks it was a bit of a shock to come back to find that our lovely big rowan tree outside the front door has lost all its leaves.   Autumn has come rushing in while I wasn't here.  Trees that still have leaves clinging to the branches have turned a wonderful range of  […]

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Friday, October 15 2010


I'm back home, and still jetlagged.  I had a wonderful trip to Australia, and it was awful leaving family behind, but it was lovely to see Stevan waiting for me at Inverness airport.  Australia clearly wanted me to feel at home while I was there, as Brisbane and Sydney experienced their wettest and  […]

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Monday, October 11 2010

More Star Trek references

Stevan here again - given that Helen started it with her reference to Scotty and that cringeworthy line "There be whales here," it's only appropriate to add that Helen will shortly be starting The Voyage Home, though I suspect she'd prefer simply to beam across the planet.  So with luck,  […]

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Wednesday, October 6 2010

The Knitter

I am thrilled to say that I am now a published writer!  Issue 24 of The Knitter magazine has an article which I wrote covering the recent In the Loop Conference in Shetland.  It is accompanied by great photographs taken by Susan Crawford.

Saturday, October 2 2010

Admiral, there be whales here*

* with apologies to Montgomery ScottYesterday my sister took me to the Botany Bay National Park.   We thought we'd be going for a quiet walk along the coast, but we walked into a film set! We asked someone what was being filmed and we were told it was an episode of Rescue Special Ops - I'm afraid  […]

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