September 2010 (9)

Thursday, September 30 2010

Travelling Again

I arrived in Sydney yesterday and my sister was quick to introduce me to the pleasures of Affogato, a treat easily found in their corner of Sydney.  Today we ventured into the city, and Sydney decided to show herself off at her best.  It was a chilly day, but with bright sunshine, and the best  […]

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Sunday, September 26 2010

Of pokies, pineapples, pelicans, paleheads, picnics and paragliders

Driving up the Bruce Highway north of Brisbane the other day, I kept seeing signs for Pokies. I couldn't imagine what these were and why they should be advertised, but apparently they're gaming machines. I'm sure my Australian will improve.One of the delights of being in Australia is the  […]

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Thursday, September 23 2010

A New Hemisphere

Hello from Queensland. I think I'm slowly getting over the jetlag, which is such an odd sensation. After leaving our home in Assynt at 11.00 am on Sunday morning, I arrived in Brisbane 36 hours and 3 flights later. Flying isn't comfortable - are aeroplane seats becoming more cramped or am I just  […]

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Bingbong - the flight now arriving....

Stevan here - just letting Helen's blog readers know that she arrived in Aus after very nearly 36 hours of travelling, door to door, which in some ways is astonishing speed and in other ways is horribly long.  More amazingly, the bag Helen checked in at Inverness airport arrived in Brisbane  […]

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Thursday, September 16 2010

Have Red Shoes - Will Travel

I leave for Australia this weekend, so the blog may be quiet for a while until I have internet access again.  Stevan is manning the shop, so don't worry about that.  He's also on dog duty, and hen duty!   So he'll be busy while I'm away.I hope Australia is ready for such red shoes.

Saturday, September 11 2010


Besides the conference the other major highlight of my trip to Shetland was a visit to, and tour of, the Jamieson's mill.[caption id="attachment_3375" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="Jamieson's, Sandness"][/caption]Jamieson's is perhaps a little less   […]

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Friday, September 10 2010

In the Loop 2 - Shetland 2010

I have waited for many years to see this boarding pass:The In the Loop 2 conference was organised so well!  Linda Newington of Southampton University Library and Dr Carol Christiansen of Shetland Museum Archive had worked so hard to put together a great range of papers.  Inevitably there were some  […]

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Saturday, September 4 2010

Picture Postcards from Shetland

The conference so far has been remarkably tiring on the old brain!  When you've been out of academia for as long as I have, the poor old grey cells take some reawakening. So instead, I leave you with a few post cards from Shetland:[caption id="attachment_3334" align="aligncenter"  […]

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Thursday, September 2 2010

A very fair isle

It seemed so appropriate that my flight to Shetland took me straight over Fair Isle.  And the pilot must have known I was on board and the reason for my trip to Shetland as he made a point of making those of us on the flight aware of the island.  Isn't it beautiful:Internet access is very patchy, so  […]

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