I'm off to Shetland first thing tomorrow morning so over the last few days I've desperately been trying to get a cardigan finished to take with me. For a change I was not using my own yarn, but instead I was using some Rowan Felted Tweed out of my stash. And for those of you who are regular users […]
August 2010 (9)
Friday, August 27 2010
Anyone up for a challenge?
Friday, August 27 2010. Archeology
Sometimes, when I'm dyeing, you get a hank of yarn which doesn't behave. Sometimes the dye doesn't take the way you expected it to, which is fine as somebody will love that particular colour. Other times you get a hank which simply refuses to stay neat and tidy, and you end up with a hank which […]
Thursday, August 26 2010
Bits 'n Bobs
Thursday, August 26 2010. Knitting
There's so much going on at the moment that this blog is a bit of a mix of everything. So bear with me ....Yesterday we had a beautiful, sunny day. Now weather doesn't really bother me as it does some, but even I would have to admit that we've not had the sunniest or hottest or driest of summers […]
Monday, August 23 2010
Monday, August 23 2010. Assynt
One of the iconic trees up in the highlands is the Rowan. It can be seen growing everywhere, and at this time of year they start to stand out even more as their berries ripen and turn to a deep orange or red. I think the Rowan is amongst my favourite trees. Others include Oak, Jacaranda and Acacia. […]
Tuesday, August 17 2010
Tuesday, August 17 2010. Assynt
Edinburgh was fun - if a little manic! It was lovely to be able to stay with my friends in the Borders (thanks for chauffeuring me Felicity, and thanks for the cooked breakfasts Andrew!), as well as having the opportunity to see other friends - I'm just sorry I didn't get to see everyone! K1 was […]
Sunday, August 15 2010
Sunday, August 15 2010. Archeology
K1 was so busy yesterday, and I had some lovely students on the lace knitting workshops which were full. And I'm just getting myself ready to do it all over again today. Classes are full again, so I'll have a busy day.Katherine had made a lovely display of the Maia Wrap and Alina Shawl which Polly […]
Tuesday, August 10 2010
Off on my travels
Tuesday, August 10 2010. Dogs
I'll be away off to Edinburgh on Thursday. Stevan has been commissioned to stay behind and feed the hens and walk the dogs, so I've got the drive south on my own on Thursday which probably means I'll arrive hoarse again, as when I'm on my own in the car I tend to sing ..... loudly!I'm staying in […]
Saturday, August 7 2010
A Man in Assynt
Saturday, August 7 2010. Knitting
In November 2010 there will be a special event in Assynt celebrating the life and work of Norman MacCaig. MacCaig was a teacher and a poet who loved this part of the world, and wrote numerous poems about Assynt.Now I know many people who read this blog have connections to Assynt, and so I'm putting […]
Wednesday, August 4 2010
Big Leaps
Wednesday, August 4 2010. Dogs
When Peggy was very young I took her along to agility classes.She was the smallest dog there, but definitely the bravest! She had no qualms about going up the highest obstacles, or through high hoops, and she even ventured into the fabric tunnels without a glance back at her boss. But when it came […]