Next week, in Lochinver, I'll be holding a day of knitting lessons. While the focus will be on knitting with double pointed needles and lace knitting, it is a day that is open to those of all knitting ability, or even no knitting ability! There is room for all. Below you'll see the poster […]
July 2010 (11)
Monday, July 26 2010
Weekday Walks
Monday, July 26 2010. Assynt
Sunday Walks haven't been as regular as they should have been recently - mainly because for the last few weeks either the weather on Sunday has been very rainy, or else I've been working in the visitor centre. So this week Stevan and I finished work a couple of hours early and set off for a […]
Thursday, July 22 2010
Thursday, July 22 2010. Music
One of the new range of yarns is now up in the shop. This 50/50 merino/silk mix has lovely drape and great stitch definition and will be ideal for some of the beautiful shawl patterns that are currently available. Perhaps an Ishbel, or a Brandywine? More colours will be added over the coming […]
Things that make you laugh
Thursday, July 22 2010. Fun
What makes you laugh? Humour is such an oddly personal thing. And sometimes it's hard to understand what it is that is funny and why you're laughing. Yesterday I was driving to a meeting and somebody on the radio was reading a letter from a listener saying that her boyfriend was learning Spanish, […]
Tuesday, July 20 2010
Finished objects
Tuesday, July 20 2010. The Ripples Effect Gallery
I love seeing what others have made with my hand dyed yarn. I get such a thrill of seeing photographs of finished items. Perhaps because I am so bad at finishing things myself these days, but mainly because I love to see results of my dyeing. Here are just a few:My friend Gillian spends a lot of […]
Friday, July 16 2010
No elbowing please!
Friday, July 16 2010. Archeology
There will be a small sale on the website this weekend. The sale will last from Saturday through to some time on Monday. The yarns that are on sale are the Bluefaced Leicester 4ply, the Merino/Tencel 4ply and the Silk/Mohair Assynt Mist Laceweight, as well as Isaac's Sheep.10% discount on all of […]
Wednesday, July 14 2010
A Bit Busy Again
Wednesday, July 14 2010. Archeology
[caption id="attachment_3196" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="Glen Hope, Sutherland"][/caption]I've put a lovely restful picture at the top of this blog entry, as it isn't going to be very restful over the next few weeks. There's a lot to cram into […]
Friday, July 9 2010
Do you need to retreat?
Friday, July 9 2010. Mungo
Some of you may be aware that I am involved in a group up in Assynt called Top Left Corner. Mandy, who is the power force behind Top Left Corner, has, for some years, been running writers retreats at Glencanisp Lodge, but she has now taken the decision to open the retreats to everyone who is […]
Thursday, July 8 2010
Yet another day off!
Thursday, July 8 2010. Scotland
I know ... 2 days off in one week is extravagant! But it was such a lovely, sunny day yesterday, and Stevan is on holiday, so we thought we'd make the most of the bright weather and go exploring again.We headed north, starting out on our journey along what visitors to this part of the world […]
Monday, July 5 2010
A Day Off (sort of)
Monday, July 5 2010. Barbara Macleod Jewellery
I had to make a couple of deliveries over on the east coast today, so we decided to make a bit of a "day off" of it, and after doing the necessary business we headed off on a lovely, long drive. Once my calls were done, we headed north from Lairg towards Altnaharra. This road takes you […]
Friday, July 2 2010
Friday, July 2 2010. Assynt
One of the reasons we made the decision to come and live in Assynt, and why I do what I do is because it gives us a reasonable level of independence and personal choice about how we live our lives. It gave me some control over who I needed to build working relationships with. When you're employed […]