April 2010 (14)

Friday, April 30 2010


Earlier on this week I was at a show in Aviemore.  Also at the show was Sheila Fleet with her gorgeous range of jewellery.   One of her ranges is called the Ripples Collection, so you can imagine my temptation to spend some of my hard earned cash but I resisted!After such a busy start to the week it  […]

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Thursday, April 29 2010


Now, I should admit up front that I hate large scale marketing.  The manipulative form that it sometimes takes does not sit easily with me, and I despise the views that some marketeers have for their target audiences.  But a recent advert by a large, co-operative chain of stores was a real surprise  […]

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Friday, April 23 2010


I'm planning some travels.  I mentioned once before about the conference due to be held in Shetland in September. Well, today I received the programme and all I can say is WOW!Speakers include Susan Crawford, Elizabeth Johnston, Hazel Hughson, Lisa Costa, Deirdre Nelson, Jeanette Sendler, Veronika  […]

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Tuesday, April 20 2010

Mixed Messages

The  climate is certainly sending mixed messages!   Out on our walk on Sunday the gorse was in full flower:but turn around 180 degrees and look towards Canisp and there was a fresh covering of snow.And the wind was as biting as any we've had all winter.  Today there were fresh flurries of snow at  […]

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Saturday, April 17 2010

Maia Knitting Kit

The Maia knitting kit is in the shop, along with a number of hanks of the teal yarn that was used to knit the display shawl.The kit consists of one hank of silk/merino laceweight yarn, one project bag, a paper copy of the pattern and one circular 3.5mm needle.  There are choices .... you can choose  […]

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Thursday, April 15 2010


Maia is now available in the shop.This stunning shawl has been designed for Ripples Crafts by Polly Outhwaite of Alltangledup.com.I'm sure you'll agree it is a beautiful pattern.My friend who visited recently had great fun modelling it for me.And even my goddaughter (who has a well defined fashion  […]

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Wednesday, April 14 2010

Planning ahead

My recent visit to K1 in Edinburgh was a lot of fun, even though the date had to be hastily changed because of weather conditions here in the north.  In fact it was so much fun that Katherine and I decided it would be a good idea to do it all again in August, only this time we would do it over 2  […]

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Monday, April 12 2010

Spring must finally be here

Yesterday afternoon after I'd finished my stint at the visitor centre, Peggy and I headed up the hill behind our home to enjoy the lovely fresh air and blue skies.It was beautifully warm and I half expected to hear the first cuckoo, but I didn't.  However conditions were apparently ideal for a bit  […]

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Saturday, April 10 2010

Assynt Jewels

The new line from Ripples Crafts will be available for sale in about 10 minutes time.  There are a couple of points I should make about this new line:1.  You will note that they are a little more expensive than the usual lines.  The reason for this is the extra time it takes to dye the yarn, and  […]

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Friday, April 9 2010

Rule 8 : Don't ignore the opinion of your customers

Judging by the comments below and from the e-mails I've received, you quite like the new technique!AG001 (as it is snappily named) will be going to Emma because she asked first!  So I don't want any sulking from the rest of you.  More will follow soon.  I'll post here once the yarn goes up in the  […]

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Wednesday, April 7 2010

Early Days

I've had a day of testing in the studio.  I quite like the results, and I hope you do too.  Only one hank was dry enough to photograph this evening, but here's a wee taster:This is a fairly labour intensive way of dyeing, and there won't be an abundance of these hanks, so if you like them snap them  […]

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Sunday, April 4 2010

Remembering what is important

I'm sure this must happen to many people who make significant changes in their way of life, but I always thought it would be different for us - when we moved here I thought I'd never go through a day without taking time just to sit and look at the wonderful view with a large mug of rooibos tea in my  […]

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Saturday, April 3 2010


In the UK the word "hoodies" often conjours up an image of a young person wearing a hooded sweatshirt or jacket.  Unfortunately the UK police and media were responsible in creating a whole "hoodie image" which resulted in the ludicrous situation where anyone wearing a hoodie  […]

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Friday, April 2 2010

On the mend

Thanks to all of you who left comments wishing me well.  I'm happy to report that I'm not quite over the muggy head or the coughing, but I'm slowly improving.   Stevan is not best pleased with me though - I seem to have given it to him.  Oops!Our friends who were staying with us last week sent  […]

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