March 2010 (18)

Wednesday, March 31 2010


I'm ick.  Ick, ick, ick.My head feels like it is about to burst, which would be a blessing as it would relieve the pain.  Someone has stuffed two bungs up my nose so I can't breath, and each time I swallow it feels like I'm rubbing my throat against that serrated side of the grater that no-one ever  […]

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Wednesday, March 24 2010

A sneaky peak

Soon there will be a delicately beautiful new shawl pattern available, but for now you can only have a sneaky peak:Another view?Okay, one more:That's all you can have for now!  But soon .......

Monday, March 22 2010


You guys certainly know how to shop for a bargain!  The Vernal Equinox sale is now over, but thank you to everyone who stopped by to snap up a bargain in the shop.   It was very exciting to see how many purchases were made within a couple of minutes of the sale going live just after midnight, and  […]

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Sunday, March 21 2010

Sunday Walks

Finally we have had a Sunday free of meetings and commitments, and we were able to set off on a good, long Sunday Walk.   The weather was slightly against us, so with five layers on including waterproofs, we set off.  Although spring is clearly on the way, with small hints of green vegetation  […]

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Many apologies to those trying to buy items in the sale from midnight last night.  For some reason my online shop clearly decided it had sold enough bargains and it switched the sale off!  Well it is now back on, so go and enjoy.I have extended the sale by 12 hours so that those of you who may have  […]

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Friday, March 19 2010

No elbowing!

I've spent the day doing a huge update to the shop, in preparation for the Vernal Equinox sale which starts tomorrow.   Only one rule - keep your elbows to yourself.  There's plenty to go around, so enjoy.

Thursday, March 18 2010

Strange Paths

When you start something new, as I did a couple of years back when I began Ripples Crafts, you simply have no idea what paths such beginnings will take you down.  Now while I'm accustomed to walking,   sometimes the paths are interesting, but completely outside of your normal walking zone.  I found  […]

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Sunday, March 14 2010

Sunday Walks

I'm sorry - the blog has been a little dull of late.  But to be honest, we've both been so busy working on different projects that we have had very little photo opportunities or time to do bloggable things.  But today we set off for our first Sunday Walk together in absolute ages.  Of course, it was  […]

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Saturday, March 13 2010

It's a date!

This is giving you warning a long way in advance, so no excuses to miss it!  I will be backat K1 Yarn Boutique in Edinburgh with the Ripples Crafts Trunk of yarn on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th August 2010.  I am thrilled to have been invited on a return visit, and this time the trunk show will be  […]

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Wednesday, March 10 2010

Just a rock

I've been searching the garden and the countryside for early signs of spring.  And while the daffodils are starting to poke their heads through the ground, they're having to contend with a very cold winter and hens this year, and they're not doing quite as well as they did last year.   The leaves  […]

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Tuesday, March 9 2010

Working as fast as I can!

[caption id="attachment_2693" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="A bevy of double knitting loveliness"][/caption]I'm taking advantage of the lovely sunny day we have here today, and I'm working as quickly as I can to update the shop with the yarn that I  […]

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Monday, March 8 2010


Temptation comes in all forms, not all of them bad.  I think it is safe to say that this Shetland Conference to be held in September 2010 is one temptation I intend giving into.  Anyone want to join me?

Sunday, March 7 2010


Well the last few days have left me feeling like I've been picked up by a whirlwind, and after a rapid twirl around parts of Scotland it's deposited me, safe and sound, back home.Our trip to Skye was rather rudely interrupted by a seriously flat tyre, and to cut an incredibly long and boring story  […]

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Friday, March 5 2010

Come Flat Tyre or Snowstorm

Tomorrow I will be at K1!  The forces of nature have been against me getting there for the last little while, but I can fairly safely say that I will be there tomorrow.  If you're in the area do pop in and say hello.   I'd love to put names to faces if you're already a customer, and if you're not  […]

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Thursday, March 4 2010

Good News, Bad News ..... again!

This morning we woke up and this was the wonderful view:However ....... (and here is the bad news for the day) ..... this was not such a wonderful view:In the many, many years Stevan and I have been married, we'd never had a puncture.  Now we've had 2 in the space of about 3 months.  It is almost as  […]

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Wednesday, March 3 2010


Stevan is attending a conference on Skye for a couple of days, so I decided to take the opportunity to have a mini-holiday.  With friends house- and hen-sitting, we set off first thing this morning.We've never explored Skye before, and although I'll be doing the exploring on my own, we decided it  […]

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Tuesday, March 2 2010

Never too old to learn

Because of my enforced weekend at home, I had a chance to browse some of the new patterns that have recently been released, and I was thrilled to see that Kate has released her new pattern, Manu.[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="459" caption="Manu © Kate  […]

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Monday, March 1 2010

Fat Free Tasty Delights

Monday afternoon means Craft Group (or Play Group as Stevan calls it!), and today, on my arrival at the drop-in centre where we meet, my eye was drawn to the window where there was a delightful array of tasty treats on display:On closer inspection the lower tier showed a mix of tarts, chocolate cake  […]

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