January 2010 (13)

Sunday, January 31 2010

Sunday Walks

I've decided to add a new feature -  Sunday Walks.  We try and take a Sunday Walk every week, and we try and make it quite a long walk so the dogs (and us!) get a good stretching of the legs and we can justify a breakfast of bacon and egg (that's for us, not the dogs!).  Recently the weeks have been  […]

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Wednesday, January 27 2010

Blowing away cobwebs

It's been pretty stormy over the last couple of days.  We love the wind, of course, as it is how we get all our power, but besides that it leads to great, dramatic scenery.I was down at Clachtoll beach yesterday getting rid of glass into the bottle bank, and decided to have a quick walk on the beach  […]

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Monday, January 25 2010

It's amazing what can be done

I live in an area that has approximately 2 people to every square kilometre.   The area of Assynt has approximately 1200 people living in it.  So not a lot of people.At exceptionally short notice, the Assynt Peace Group decided to have a fund raising table top sale for MSF's work in Haiti.  With  […]

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Sunday, January 24 2010

The days are getting longer

I'm sorry it's been a little quiet over in this corner, but I've been busy!  2010 is setting itself up to be an extremely busy year for Ripples Crafts, with the first show that I'm doing that is open to the public in May, although there is a lot of show action in April too, but not general public  […]

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Tuesday, January 19 2010

The Ripple Effect

I doubt there is anyone who doesn't feel entirely helpless watching as news of the Haiti crisis unfolds. I certainly do. So I have made some decisions.- A percentage of all sales on the website from today, 19th January through to the 31st January will be donated to Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF).  […]

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Sunday, January 17 2010

Sunday Walk

We're starting to see the end of the ice that has been surrounding our home since the week before Christmas.  It has been an astonishingly sustained period of frozen ground, snow and ice.  Because we live so close to the sea we usually expect any snow to disappear within 2 to 3 days, but this  […]

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Wednesday, January 13 2010

Decent Folk

We hear about so much evil and selfishness in the world these days.  Sometimes it is so good to read about somebody who just chose to do the right thing.

Tuesday, January 12 2010

The Veldt*

Besides Beady the Hen, our friends who were visiting for New Year bought a rather lovely, squishy package which contained this:This is yarn that is produced in South Africa, and is from a company called Adele's Mohair. and the kit is designed to make a shawl.  As you can see I've made a start:The  […]

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Saturday, January 9 2010

The Secret is Out!

Now everybody (well everybody who reads the Guardian Newspaper) will know what a lovely part of the world Assynt is!  Apparently the place to move to for a new year is Assynt.Well I could have told them that!

Thursday, January 7 2010

The White Period

Today involved a drive to Inverness.  Normally this trip takes approximately 2 hours, but today it was closer to 3 hours.  Roads were extremely icy, the temperature remained below zero for most of the drive, stags littered the road, choosing to stick to the road to try to find something to eat  […]

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Wednesday, January 6 2010

Still below freezing!

Well, the new year is bringing in all kinds of new weather records.  It's not been above freezing for some time now, and we're still under a few inches of snow, although it isn't the snow causing the problem but the couple of inches of ice under the snow that is proving very dangerous.  Temperatures  […]

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Sunday, January 3 2010

Isaac Excels

Many of your will know about Isaac's flock, which I sell in the shop.  Well, my friends who first introduced me to Isaac's sheep returned from South Africa recently, and they have been seeing the New Year in with us up in Assynt.   And they bought with them a very special Christmas present.  I  […]

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Saturday, January 2 2010

Goodbye 2009 / Hello 2010

Happy New Year!  2009 is behind us, and what a year it was.  My abiding memory of 2009 will be a year that was very hectic!  Here are a few memories:[caption id="attachment_2469" align="aligncenter" width="150" caption="Orkney in Colour"][/caption][caption  […]

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