December 2009 (12)

Tuesday, December 29 2009

The next morning .....

And it is still beautifully white everywhere.  Here is the same view as yesterday's photograph, but in daylight:[caption id="attachment_2444" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Stoer by day"][/caption]We ventured out for a very brief stroll.I think I can  […]

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Monday, December 28 2009

Still a tad chilly!

We've had a week of temperatures below zero, which has meant that any snow we have had has not melted, but merely frozen, causing pretty hazardous conditions if you want to go out.   But it does make for beautiful scenes:[caption id="attachment_2440" align="aligncenter"  […]

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Friday, December 25 2009

Christmas Day 2009

It has certainly been a white Christmas for us!  And a very cold one.However we got in our Christmas walk with Peggy and Lexie, but we all had to admit to being pretty exhausted after an hours walking in the hills.  Walking under these conditions is like walking on soft sand.  Very tiring!

Thursday, December 24 2009

Christmas Eve 2009

Christmas was always a magical time when I was growing up.  As a child we rarely had Christmas in the northern hemisphere, so it was always a warm Christmas, but the excitement I felt is still tangible.   My parents excelled at making Christmas something special.  The true meaning of Christmas was  […]

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Wednesday, December 23 2009


This time of year always gives photographers a wonderful opportunity to photograph in the most beautiful low light.[caption id="attachment_2423" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Winter Light"][/caption]Sometimes I get so frustrated by my limitations as  […]

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Monday, December 21 2009

Duvet Day

Well, perhaps not a duvet day, but at least an "in front of the fire" day.  It's certainly a "non dyeing day" though:[caption id="attachment_2416" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="Frozen Shed"][/caption]I mean I love my dyeing, but  […]

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Tuesday, December 15 2009

Exam Pressure

Stevan has his first, second year, exam today, so the pressure is on.  He's had to work very hard this term, given he's also got a full time job.  But given how well he's been doing in his essays I have every confidence he'll do well in the exams too.The stress of exams got me to thinking about  […]

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Sunday, December 13 2009

Shop Update

There has been a large update of Reliable Sock Yarn in the shop.  I have also added the heavier laceweight yarn.   This is a 2ply 100% bluefaced leicester, and is lovely and soft.  Ideal for shawls and scarves that require a slightly heavier weight of yarn.

Friday, December 11 2009


For all those readers who have a keen interest in knitting, and who have not yet ventured into the world that is Ravelry, can I recommend you go and have a look?  You need to register, but in my view it is well worth the effort.  I have cut back quite stringently on the groups that I'm a member of  […]

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Sunday, December 6 2009


For me, one of the most pleasurable aspects of hand made gifts is originality.   No two hand made gifts are ever identical.  When I make something I'll do it one way, and the next time I make the same thing I'll tweak it a little here, and a little there, sometimes because I think the original can  […]

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Friday, December 4 2009


I think it is fair to say that winter is here.  Ice has started to appear on Lexie's Loch.  It seems early, but there it is:[caption id="attachment_2384" align="aligncenter" width="495" caption="Icy"][/caption]But Winter has it's pro's.  Roasted Chestnuts!   […]

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Tuesday, December 1 2009

They just make you smile!

Our hens - they just make me smile every time I see them.[caption id="attachment_2377" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Alternate Hens"][/caption]We had warnings from friends and neighbours that they wouldn't like the wind - not our hens!  They're  […]

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