There has been a lot of rain around recently. We've been fortunate in that we've not had conditions anything like those in Cumbria and the south west of Scotland. But we have had a lot of rain. Up at Lexies Loch we have a little crossing point where we've placed stones strategically to enable us […]
November 2009 (16)
Friday, November 27 2009
Another Town, another Fair
Friday, November 27 2009.
Today was a Christmas Fair in Achnasheen. So at 8.00am this morning my friend, Stella, and I were on the road to Achnasheen. I've not managed to do any of the fairs at Ledgowan Lodge Hotel this year as I've been working for VisitScotland, but I was thrilled to be able to do the Christmas Fair. […]
Monday, November 23 2009
Stones (and a bit of Heather and Rock)
Monday, November 23 2009. Archeology
Following on from the lectures on Saturday we decided to revisit a really interesting monument in Assynt. Glen Leireag, close to Nedd, is an area where many families were cleared from during the Highland Clearances. But nearby Glen Leireag is a rare structure called a souterrain. Nobody is […]
Saturday, November 21 2009
Getting Involved
Saturday, November 21 2009. Assynt
[caption id="attachment_2337" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="Clachtoll Broch"][/caption]There is a great project being launched in Assynt at the moment. It is called the Assynt Hidden Lives project, and you can read more about it here. Assynt is an […]
Monday, November 16 2009
Sunday Walks
Monday, November 16 2009. Dogs
Life has been a little on the hectic side in this part of the world, and so our daily walks have been curtailed. We usually try to have a good, long walk on a Sunday, but yesterday our efforts were thwarted by the heavens opening and drenching us. But before we got soaked we happened upon these […]
Pink Haze
Monday, November 16 2009. Garden
As some of you already know, our family has recently been hit with difficult news. I won't be blogging about this news, or expanding on my blog as to what it is all about, as it is not my personal battle, although it obviously affects me deeply. However, many of you have been in contact and I just […]
Friday, November 13 2009
Friday, November 13 2009. Scotland
It's been quite a week for one reason or another, and Tuesday and Wednesday were taken up with a course and meetings meaning I was leaving home around 9.00 and not getting back home until the back of 10.00pm, so blogging has suffered this week I'm afraid. Another disadvantage of rushing about was […]
Sunday, November 8 2009
Winter Walks
Sunday, November 8 2009. Dogs
We've had a few days of crisp, cold, clear days. Ideal walking weather. Unfortuantely our free time for walking has been a little limited, so we've had to satisfy ourselves with numerous short walks.Yesterday morning we nipped up to Lexie's Loch - the loch that is nearest to our home, and, of […]
Saturday, November 7 2009
Saturday, November 7 2009. Independence
I've had such a great response to these. However all those that I now have on order are reserved, so I'm looking in to getting some more printed. All of you who have already contacted me are on the list for one, and when they arrive I'll contact you. Anyone who contacts me after this posting will […]
It's Arrived!!
Saturday, November 7 2009.
[caption id="attachment_2305" align="aligncenter" width="436" caption="Esmarelda - 7/11/09"][/caption]Esmarelda's first (of many, we hope) egg.[caption id="attachment_2306" align="aligncenter" width="564" caption="1 down, 5 […]
Friday, November 6 2009
An exercise in colour
Friday, November 6 2009. Knitting
There's not been an awful lot of knitting content on this blog for a while, but I promise I have been working away behind the scenes! I've been doing some experimenting with the new DK yarn that I have in the shop, and I have to say it is lovely. First up I made up a simple pattern for some long […]
Wednesday, November 4 2009
Parental Pride!
Wednesday, November 4 2009. Assynt
The hens found their own way to bed for the first time last night. And it wasn't a fluke as they did the same again this evening. I was ridiculously proud of them!Still no eggs though - although my neighbour, Fiona, assures me they'll soon be laying. Their crops and wattles have reddened up […]
Tuesday, November 3 2009
Forward Planning
Tuesday, November 3 2009. Assynt
I decided that what was needed for 2010 was a Ripples Crafts Calendar. Above is just a little taste of some of the photographs that will be included - I don't want to give the whole game away but if you click on the pictures above they will give you a taste! If you think you may like one then […]
Best Laid Plans
Tuesday, November 3 2009. Knitting
It has been one of those days!The club yarn was due to be posted this morning, but despite 3 days of drying it is still not dry enough to post. It was touch and go but in the end I decided it just wasn't worth the risk of the yarn getting musty on it's travels because it wasn't absolutely, […]
Monday, November 2 2009
Slightly Famous
Monday, November 2 2009. Ripples
Anyone who lives in the Highlands who may have access to this month's edition of the Executive Magazine will see my name pop up on Page 30.For those of you who don't live in the Highlands, you can see the article here. You'll need to scroll to page 30.
Sunday, November 1 2009
Canadians Old and New
Sunday, November 1 2009. Scotland
Some of my most faithful readers are Canadians, and so this post is of especial interest to you. On Saturday we left the comfort of the wild west coast and headed east to a) try and get Stevan a haircut and b) do some shopping but most of all c) just have a drive out. We failed on point a), […]