October 2009 (9)

Friday, October 30 2009

A little bit of freedom

The Visitor Centre closed for the winter today.  My first season as a VisitScotland Customer Services Adviser is over!  And now that it is over, I am looking forward to some "me" time, and some "my business" time.  Poor Ripples Crafts has been a little neglected, particularly  […]

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Tuesday, October 27 2009


When friends, Irene and Bob, were visiting recently, Peggy and Lexie were a little put out as Morag, a Scottish Deerhound, sort of stole the limelight.  Morag is a large dog and it is hard not to notice her.   She is also the gentlest of souls, and likes to be a part of everything that is going on,  […]

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Thursday, October 22 2009

Shop News - End of Range Clearout

With all the doom and gloom around about the Royal Mail strike, I decided now would be a good opportunity to hold a little sale in order to spread a little cheer instead.I'm moving out the Merino/Tencel yarn to make room for some new lines, and so from Saturday this yarn will be reduced in price by  […]

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Tuesday, October 20 2009


No, the heading of this entry is not a hint that I'll be taking any long journeys soon, but it is a reflection on the pleasures of having to drive in to the Visitor Centre in Lochinver on the days that I work in the centre.Now those who know me know how, at the height of the summer, I did nothing  […]

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Sunday, October 18 2009

Country Life

Thank you to everyone who sent advice on the hens.  They seem to be settling in well, and while there are still no eggs (you'll be the first to know, I promise) they do seem to be getting used to life at Lockhart Towers.  They're certainly curious, and yesterday morning they came to visit me while I  […]

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Thursday, October 15 2009

Update from the henhouse

Let us simply say I don't think we were fortunate enough to get the brightest three chickens in the henhouse.   Now call me impatient, but after 10 days I would have liked to have seen our hens climbing up their ladder into their roosting box all on their own.  Everyone keeps telling me how they'll  […]

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Saturday, October 10 2009


There is no denying that this part of Scotland can be a little on the windy side.  But wind has its uses.  As you probably know (if you've followed this blog for a while) our home is not on the mains electricity grid.  We source all our electrical energy from the wind via a wind generator and solar  […]

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Tuesday, October 6 2009

Here come the girls .....

Sunday, October 4 2009

Slightly strange folk

While a friend and I were sitting in a little coffee shop in St Margaret's Hope, waiting for the ferry to come in to take us back to Gills Bay on Scotland's Mainland, the waitress asked us if we were in St Margaret's Hope to see "the bird".  She saw our blank faces, and explained that a  […]

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