June 2009 (13)

Tuesday, June 30 2009

The Boy Done Good

Stevan's uni results came through for his first year ..... 6 A's and 2 B's.   Stevan, being Stevan, is disappointed with the B's!In another twist to our lives here in Assynt, Stevan has also got himself a new job which he begins tomorrow.  I won't go into great detail here, other than to say that it  […]

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Monday, June 29 2009

All change on the blog

You may have noticed the blog has moved!  We're slowly trying to get everything in one place.  The blog itself won't really change in terms of what I write about, but we thought it best to move it to the shop website so it was easier to find.So update your favourites, and you won't miss a thing.

Sunday, June 28 2009

He's not in trouble - honest!

Woolfest was wonderful!  And Stevan has been let loose from the naughty corner.  It was so lovely to meet so many lovely folk.  And the best news from Woolfest is that one of Isaac's sheep, which was entered into the sheep auction, reached a phenomenal price in the auction, raising a great £50 for  […]

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Saturday, June 27 2009

Went the day well?

Stevan here - Helen's festing wool today again, but she did send a picture of her stand.  I'm sure she'll give you more details when she gets back, but here's what it looked like at the start:-Helen doesn't know I've given you a sneak look at the stand, so don't tell her, or I'll be in trouble  […]

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Wednesday, June 24 2009

Mungo's ready .....

Mungo, the Land Rover, is ready to roll.  It's not his first visit to Woolfest, so he knows the way.He's all packed:There's even room for my clothes which are not yet packed, and for a bit of food to keep up our energy levels.But somebody's not happy.  Peggy has not left my side for the last few  […]

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Sunday, June 21 2009

Just a dog for company

It was back go the grindstone for me today, so poor Stevan had to make do with Lexie and Peggy for company on his walk.    Actually, if truth be told, he's quite happy with that as they can keep up with his long legs - something I often struggle to do!  But it became a little trickier when he  […]

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Friday, June 19 2009

I think I'm going slightly daft

Now I know that many of you who know me think that I am already pretty daft, but I think the dye fumes are tipping me over the edge.  At the moment there is simply nowhere to sit in our house.  Every available surface is covered in yarn for Woolfest.  Poor Stevan is beginning to look like Edvard  […]

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Tuesday, June 16 2009

Apologies in advance

I'm sure you must be tired of seeing so many photo's of the area around our home so I apologise in advance for yet more photographs, but we're so lucky to live in such a beautiful area, and it's hard not to boast!  Yesterday, for the first time in weeks, I took a proper walk with Stevan and the  […]

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Friday, June 12 2009

The unexpected

We've been having a spell of beautiful weather, and so Stevan and the dogs have been making the most of it by ranging far and wide in the hills that are to be found near our home.   Today's walk turned into something rather special, and I'm sorry I wasn't there too, but unfortunately the good  […]

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Monday, June 8 2009

Under Pressure

Woolfest is looming. I feel like I'm drowning in yarn, and yet I don't feel I've got enough yet! Just how does one judge how much to take? Any suggestions anyone? I mean, the worst thing that could happen would be to run out on the first day, and yet it feels potentially equally bad to have to  […]

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Sunday, June 7 2009

Fresh Look

You may have noticed a few changes to the blog appearance. Stevan's worked hard to give the blog a fresh, new look, so we hope you like it. Comments, as usual, will be welcome. Those of you running Firefox or Safari will see a more rounded look than if you're running Internet Explorer. The banner at  […]

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Wednesday, June 3 2009

The Deerhunter

Today is all about Peggy.  Lexie is usually the dog who appears in so many of our photographs, simply because she is so photogenic and is happy to sit still for as long as it takes to frame the picture.  Peggy, on the other hand, flits around so quickly it's really difficult to get a decent  […]

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Monday, June 1 2009

Shop News

I must apologise for the neglect that the poor shop page has had over the last couple of months.  I've done some work on it this evening, adding some Bluefaced Leicester 4 ply as well as some merino/tencel 4 ply.  However I have removed the 75/25 wool/nylon sock yarn until after Woolfest.  I need to  […]

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