When we first moved to the UK I was always thrown by the weather forecast of "Sunshine and Showers". I was never sure what to expect. It wasn't a weather feature I grew up with - in Stellenbosh if it was raining it rained for a few days, but if it was sunny you had sunshine for weeks. […]
March 2009 (12)
Friday, March 27 2009
Winter bites back
Friday, March 27 2009. Music
Well, there I was thinking spring was definitely on the way, and winter decided to bite back. We've had a week of strong winds, driving rain and sleet. The poor dogs have not had a decent walk all week (although they've not exactly been hammering down the door to go out either), and we're all […]
Tuesday, March 24 2009
Birthday Boy
Tuesday, March 24 2009. Assynt
This time last year this is what the birthday boy was up to. I'm afraid it's been far more mundane this year - no snow I'm afraid. Happy Birthday Stevan!Thank you to all those of you who have sent me e-mails and left comments about my new job. I'm sorry I've not answered them all personally, but […]
Friday, March 20 2009
It's official!
Friday, March 20 2009. Ravelry
It has often been commented that I should work for the Scottish Tourist Board. You know how I love to promote this part of the world - I mean, what is not to love about the north west of Scotland? Stunning scenery, lovely people, and great weather (well okay, perhaps that last one stretches the […]
Tuesday, March 17 2009
Gentle Reminders
Tuesday, March 17 2009. Assynt
Today the weather was absolutely glorious in Assynt. Unfortunately I spent most of the morning indoors, but once released we were both able to enjoy the lovely afternoon - me in my workshop (but with the door wide, wide open, and Stevan up the hill from our house digging a trench in pure peat to […]
Sunday, March 15 2009
Changing Seasons
Sunday, March 15 2009. Scotland
I forgot to say a huge thank you in my last posting for all the compliments that I received for my Girasole blanket. I really cannot recommend this pattern highly enough. And I believe it is right to support designers such as Jared Flood, as it is a tough world for knitwear designers who are not […]
Thursday, March 12 2009
You need to be quick!
Thursday, March 12 2009. Dogs
Most people know that we have two dogs. Quite a few people also know that our two dogs are like chalk and cheese, or as we prefer, angel dog and devil dog (aka "trouble", "monster", "rat", etc etc)! Lexie (aka angel dog) is one of the most placid, good natured, well […]
Tuesday, March 10 2009
A bit of purple lace and a sunflower
Tuesday, March 10 2009. Knitting
Now anyone who knows me knows I have a particular fondness for purple. And for lace knitting. So the chance to combine the two for a display piece for Woolfest was too good an opportunity to miss! And when my Spring copy of Interweave Knits arrived (thanks Anne!), there was the perfect shawl. The […]
Sunday, March 8 2009
The Ripple Effect has begun
Sunday, March 8 2009. Independent Designers
I have started putting together The Ripple Effect Gallery. You can find it from the link on the right hand side of this page, or alternatively click here. I'll slowly add pictures as I go through my old posts and e-mails to find pictures, but in the meantime please send me your photo's if you […]
Friday, March 6 2009
Shop News
Friday, March 6 2009.
Here are a few new ones going up in the shop today.First of all, something for the spring/Easter season. A little fresh green growth, some yellow daffodils, and of course, Easter eggs:And three more, from left to right, Pink Dawn; Coffee Chocolate Cream and Yarn with No Name (Yet!).Any suggestions […]
Thursday, March 5 2009
Thursday, March 5 2009.
I know it is to be expected at this time of year, but the weather really has been changeable. This morning we woke up to a covering of snow, but by the time we sat down to a cup of Rooibos at 11.00am most of the snow had gone. And just when you feel you're still in the grip of winter it suddenly […]
Sunday, March 1 2009
Misty Clouds
Sunday, March 1 2009. Scotland
Earlier this week when I was hard at work in the workshop, Stevan took the dogs for a walk in the mist. It was quite a warm day, given it was February, but the mist had descended shrouding all the tops of the hills around our home. He came back with some great photographs, but the best was probably […]