"Red in the morningShepherd's Warning"The old adage didn't apply the day I took this photograph at about 8.30 in the morning. We had a fairly fine day, if I recall. It has become clear to us that the weather plays a huge part in life in Assynt. Living off the grid means we rely on our wind […]
January 2009 (12)
Sunday, January 25 2009
Lengthening Days
Sunday, January 25 2009. Knitting
The days are definitely getting longer. Spring will soon be here. My evidence? Well, our daffodils are starting to push through the cold earth, and today I was able to take the dogs out for a quick run at 4.30pm and it was still light. Those extra few, precious minutes of light each day really […]
Thursday, January 22 2009
Thursday, January 22 2009. Scotland
In the Orcadian dialect the word for "seal" is "selkie". However the word itself is associated more with the lovely creature found in the mythology of a few countries, including Scotland. The selkie is a creature usually seen as a seal, but which has the ability to shapeshift […]
Tuesday, January 20 2009
More Club Socks
Tuesday, January 20 2009. Knitting
This week I received another photo of a sock made from the December club yarn.Thanks, Judith, for sending this in. Judith used the Hourglass pattern which is freely available from the Fall 2008 edition of Knitty, an online knitting magazine. If you are a knitter and you've never seen this magazine […]
Sunday, January 18 2009
Snowy Sunday
Sunday, January 18 2009. Snow
Sitting in church this morning I looked out the window to see the snow gently starting to fall on the playing field outside. As we drove home the flakes got bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and less wet, and started to settle. By the time we got home there was a reasonable covering, and it was […]
Thursday, January 15 2009
There was a little girl .....
Thursday, January 15 2009. Lace Club
"There was a little girlWithout a little curlRight in the middle of her foreheadAnd when she was good, she was very, very goodAnd when she was bad, she was horrid"(With apologies to Longfellow)My mum got a new toy for Christmas. It gives her the wherewithall to take old 35mm slides and […]
Wednesday, January 14 2009
Be sure your sins shall find you out!
Wednesday, January 14 2009. Scotland
I can hear my Mother's warning echoing around my head today. And here is why. We both had an appointment with our dentist today. Now normally that isn't something that requires a mention. Except in our case a visit to the dentist involves a 12 hour round trip in the car. We have no dentist in […]
Saturday, January 10 2009
Saturday, January 10 2009. Blogroll
It's Full Moon, and we've had some beautiful clear skies at night. Yesterday, as we were returning from our walk with the dogs, we saw the moon had risen.I took so many pictures, but that one is taken from just outside our house. The moon really is magical. Here's another:Now, I've been nagging a […]
Wednesday, January 7 2009
As promised
Wednesday, January 7 2009. Knitting
The Plum Chocolate Turkish Delight lace yarn is in the shop today. (Edited to change name to something perfect for the yarn. Thanks Gilly!). Edited again to say this has all been sold. Please let me know if you'd like some as I'll be redyeing this colourway soon.This was a nightmare to photograph, […]
Tuesday, January 6 2009
Sad goodbyes but happy memories
Tuesday, January 6 2009. Scotland
We've had such a lovely week with our visitors, Neil and Gilly. Sadly, though, they had to leave this morning to head back south, perhaps even to snow! The weather has been glorious while they've been here, and yesterday we took advantage of the beautifully clear day, and set off in the car for a […]
Sunday, January 4 2009
Winter Light
Sunday, January 4 2009. Scotland
We've had some incredible weather over the last few days. Clear, crisp days, ideal for walking. We decided to visit the lighthouse and Stevan took some fantastic photographs, but this one is particularly lovely:Stoer Lighthouse was built in 1870. It was one of Stevenson's lighthouses and […]
Thursday, January 1 2009
January 1st, 2009
Thursday, January 1 2009. Scotland
Happy New Year! What a year 2008 was. If someone had sat me down this time last year and told me all that was ahead, I think I would have crawled back under the duvet and refused to come out. But on the whole I think it's been an extremely positive year. A lot of very good things have happened, […]