Somebody has turned down the thermostat outside. It is icy cold, with little prospect of any change over the next few days, so soon the lochs will be frozen and we can skate stones across them.Today was meant to include a trip down to Inverness for some last minute shopping for Hogmanay, but by the […]
December 2008 (10)
Thursday, December 25 2008
Christmas Day
Thursday, December 25 2008. Scotland
Stevan and I enjoy celebrating Christmas in a fairly quiet way. Our day began rather late, and after a phone call to Australia to see how Mum and Dad had enjoyed their day, we set off with the dogs for a walk in the hills. We didn't have a traditional white Christmas, but a rather mild one. The […]
Saturday, December 20 2008
Connected by Kindness and Craft
Saturday, December 20 2008. Knitting
I received a lovely surprise this week when our postie left a chunky parcel in our letter box. Not being one for the niceties when opening surprise pressies, I'm afraid to say the envelope was ripped open very quickly. Inside was a beautifully wrapped parcel, and when I'd got the wrapping off, […]
Friday, December 19 2008
Friday, December 19 2008. Scotland
Stevan has been taking his student status to heart, but we both feel that perhaps the time has come for a much needed haircut. What do you think? Pretty close to a Cousin Itt impersonation:Now I know that when it is a quiet news day the radio has to fill the news with something. But this story […]
Tuesday, December 16 2008
Slowing the pace
Tuesday, December 16 2008. Knitting
At this time of year I always feel a sense of winding down. I never want to be too far from home, and I generally want to have lots of time to think. I don't have a great love for the hustle and bustle of Christmas, especially the mad frenzy that takes place year after year in the supermarkets […]
Wednesday, December 10 2008
Night Images
Wednesday, December 10 2008. Assynt
It's very nearly full moon here in Assynt, and tonight we've got clear, starry skies. I thought it would be a great opportunity to try out my Christmas present from Stevan. Of course it was impossible to see anything through the viewfinder on my camera, so I aimed in the general direction of Stoer […]
Tuesday, December 9 2008
One Down .... One to Go!
Tuesday, December 9 2008. Links
We're one exam down, with one more to go this week. Stevan isn't too impressed with me as I seem to have kindly passed on my head cold to him, which doesn't help when you're trying to think clearly to write an exam .... but I've every confidence that he'll be fine.Up in this part of the world we're […]
Saturday, December 6 2008
Shop Update Done!
Saturday, December 6 2008. Music
If you're in need of a last minute gift for a fellow knitter, now is your chance to find something they may like. The shop is updated with new and old shades of sock yarn, some DK yarn and some 2 ply laceweight yarn. There are currently only small amounts of the lace yarn, so be quick if you need […]
Friday, December 5 2008
Still working on February
Friday, December 5 2008. Knitting
I'll start today's posting with an apology - the shop has not been updated for a while, but this weekend I'll be restocking some of the yarns, and adding a small quantity of laceweight yarn. If you have a particular blend of fibres that you'd like for knitting with, please let me know in the […]
Thursday, December 4 2008
Down Time
Thursday, December 4 2008.
It's been a flurry of activity over the last few weeks, for both of us. I've been busy getting out orders, and Stevan has been working hard to get essays in for marking, and revising for his exams next week. And while Stevan still has a lot to do, things have quietened down a little for me, so I'm […]