November 2008 (9)

Saturday, November 29 2008

Winter Comes to Assynt

Yesterday morning I needed to go into Lochinver for a Christmas craft fair.  After putting his head out the door, Stevan suggested I take Mungo, the Land Rover, and I'm very pleased he did.  As soon as I got away from the sea the landscape turned really wintery, with ice and snow on the road.   […]

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Tuesday, November 25 2008

I must go down to the sea again

On the whole most of our walks take place in the hills. It gives the dogs (and us!) complete freedom as they need never be on their leads from the moment we leave the house. They have learnt, at a very early age, to ignore sheep, which is an essential lesson for all dogs to learn in the countryside  […]

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Wednesday, November 19 2008

Knitting Content Alert!

When I began this blog back in April 2007 I boldly stated that "this will mostly be a knitting blog"!  Well, there has been precious little knitting on this blog recently, so if that's what you visit my blog for I do apologise.  And I still have nothing of my own work to show you, but what  […]

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Sunday, November 16 2008

The Quiet Life

There's not been an awful lot happening in Assynt recently to regale you with.  I've been busy, Stevan has been busy, and the dogs have been lying in front of the fire, when they're not outside enjoying the fresh air.  They've not been outside much this week as we have had so much rain.  The little  […]

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Saturday, November 15 2008

The Totie Toe Sock Yarn Club

The Ripples Crafts Totie Toe Sock Yarn Club has been launched.  Details can be found here.  Club membership is open to knitters from all corners of the globe.

Tuesday, November 11 2008

November the 11th

I find it very difficult to watch, or listen to, programmes about the two world wars. Or any war for that matter. I find the injustices that arise during periods of conflict just too overwhelming to contemplate. The example that my parents set me through their tolerance and acceptance of all people,  […]

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Thursday, November 6 2008

It feels strange!

I was browsing around Ravelry and having a look to see who had bought my yarns.  All of a sudden up popped a page (I'm not sure this link will work if you're not a Ravelry member) which said that a Ravelry member had bought my yarn at Kraemer's Yarn Shop in Nazareth, Pennsylvania, and it finally  […]

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Tuesday, November 4 2008

Rewards for hard work

Dyeing started early this morning, in an attempt to get through a lot on a day which dawned beautifully clear and dry, and so I thought it best to get as much done as possible so it could dry in the fresh breeze.  While I was working I could hear some tapping on the outside wall of my shed, and I  […]

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Saturday, November 1 2008

Spooky Goings On

There were spooky happenings here last night .... my camera clearly decided to throw a wobbly:Alternatively, the two young wizards in the photograph with Stevan (and Peggy and Lexie, of course) had to "trick" us as we were woefully unprepared for Halloween visitors and had very little to  […]

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