October 2008 (10)

Wednesday, October 29 2008

Calm after the storm

After a week of gales and near-storm force winds, and an unseasonal fall of snow yesterday, today we woke to a lovely calm, dry day.  So, after Stevan had finished his morning video conference lecture, we set off into the hills with the dogs.  There's a programme due to air on TV around Christmas  […]

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Saturday, October 25 2008

Battoning down the roofing felt

Don't worry, the yarn is safe, but we've had a bit of weather.  Actually, we've had quite a lot of weather!  The wind has been close to storm force (and at times a full gale) for some days now.  Today it has been especially fierce, and we ran the risk of losing the felt that makes the roof of the  […]

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Wednesday, October 22 2008

A Sense of Place

Over the weekend I received a phone call form someone organising a Writers' Retreat closeby.   One of the attendees had asked if it would be possible for me to give them some private knitting lessons.  Naturally I agreed - I love teaching people to knit.  While spending a very pleasureable hour and  […]

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Sunday, October 19 2008

Tools of the Trade

I love old knitting needles.  I don't have many really visually interesting ones, but I do have a lot of old ones.  Recently somebody gave me an old plastic roll of needles that she said she would never use again and that she wanted me to have as she knew I'd make use of them and take care of them.  […]

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Friday, October 17 2008

Shop Update

There has been a fairly large update of the sock yarn on the shop page.   As soon as it's dry I'll be adding some more colourways in DK merino blend.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 15 2008

A Citybreak

We had a small Citybreak this weekend.  I had a class to teach in Edinburgh on Saturday at the Four Winds Inspiration Centre, and so on Friday we set off on our way south.  Usually, in the past, when we have being going north or south up the A9 (the main road between Edinburgh and Inverness), we try  […]

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Thursday, October 9 2008

A celebratory offer

I can't make it to the Knitting and Stitching show at Alexandra Palace this weekend, and I'm sure many of you are in the same boat. However, to celebrate the fact that my yarns will be on sale at the show, I've decided to have a small special offer on all online sales. So, here are the  […]

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Wednesday, October 8 2008

A little upset

Monday didn't get off to the greatest of starts.  Well, it did, in that the little upset took place while I was posting a parcel to my first customer in Finland, but it didn't because someone decided to take a dislike to my little yellow car, Lucia, and tried to change the colour to red by reversing  […]

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Saturday, October 4 2008

Spot the impostor

Nan was saying in her comment to my previous posting that she rarely sees rainbows.  Well, here's another one - captured today on our way back from doing the shopping in Ullapool.En route to Ullapool, close by to Lochinver, is Loch nan Eun.  It seems appropriate that at various times folk have  […]

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Thursday, October 2 2008

An everyday trip

One of the real pleasures of living in this part of the world is that an everyday trip to the post office turns into a great photo opportunity.  Over the last couple of days we've been having all four seasons every few hours of the day.  One moment there's glorious sunshine, and within minutes it's  […]

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