August 2008 (9)

Saturday, August 30 2008

Quite a week!

There have been huge decisions made in the Lockhart household over the last couple of weeks, and as a result of those decisions Stevan found himself in Orkney this week, having been accepted onto a BA (Hons) degree course, based in Kirkwall with the UHI Millenium Institute.   The induction course  […]

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Thursday, August 28 2008

The Little Things

Some of the most exciting plants to see in this part of the world are tiny.  They grow low, and close to the rocks, to protect themselves against the harsh wind that can blow here, I guess, but perhaps also to avoid being eaten by the hundreds of sheep that roam the hills.  This little one is one of  […]

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Monday, August 25 2008

August Colour

August, in Scotland, is a very colourful time.  The heather is at its very best, although the early flowering heather is just beginning to fade now.  We have so many different varieties of heather all around the house, and it's difficult to know which one I'd count as my favourite.  But I think this  […]

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Saturday, August 23 2008

Craft Fair Fun

Today was another Craft Fair day at the Ledgowan Lodge Hotel at Achnasheen.  And it was a really successful day!  (By the time I remembered to take a photo the stock was slightly depleted).  It is amazing how wool really just sells itself.  There was a rather gratifying moment when someone bought a  […]

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Monday, August 18 2008

Crafty Folk

I sneaked off today to spend a few hours amongst crafty folk in Lochinver.  There are some mighty talented folk in this part of the world!  One was beading a beautiful felted dragonfly.  Another was doing some sewing work, yet another was knitting, someone was combing fleece into bats for spinning,  […]

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Saturday, August 16 2008

Yet another lovely day

We have been so fortunate with the weather over the last few weeks.  Although having said that, we really need some rain.  The ground is so dry that when you go walking in the hills the vegetation crunches under your feet.Todays walk took us back up to Water Loch, but on the way we stopped for a  […]

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Friday, August 15 2008

We're Published!

Stevan and I are both officially published photographers! Sadly, as yet, there is no web link, but we both had photographs published in the Northern Times newspaper this week. How exciting! I don't think this means a deviation from yarn dyeing for me, or consultancy for Steve, but still ..... The  […]

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Saturday, August 9 2008

Assynt Highland Games 2008

Anyone with any knowledge of the Scottish Highlands will know how important a role the Highland Games play in the lives of those who live here.  It is an opportunity to gather, laugh, talk, play, compete, eat, and honour someone in particular within their community.  This year the honour of  […]

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Thursday, August 7 2008

Not all my own handiwork ....

I was so excited to receive an e-mail from Chris this week, along with a photograph showing what she'd done with some of my hand dyed yarn.  Isn't it lovely?Oh, and the beautiful Hardanger cushions in the background ... also all the handiwork of Chris.Although it was my sock yarn that Chris used, it  […]

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