July 2008 (10)

Thursday, July 31 2008

A New Look

You may have noticed a new banner at the top of the page (thanks Stevan!)   I hope you like it.  I've also made some changes to the Ripples Yarn page, and I welcome any feedback.

Tuesday, July 29 2008

Stormy Threats

We've had a string of wonderfully warm, sunny days, so the other day we took the opportunity to take a long walk up to Water Loch (the loch which provides the water for the area), which involves a really, really, steep climb.  On the way you can pass a flagpole set high up on one of the hills  […]

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Thursday, July 24 2008

Summer hits the Highlands

Today has been hot, hot, hot.  Fortunately there was a light breeze to take the sting out of the heat, and the sting out of the midges which descend if there's no breeze.  So I got to work with the strimmer to try and tame our wildlife meadow around the house.  It's not really a true wildlife medow,  […]

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Tuesday, July 22 2008

Thank You!

I know I said I wouldn't mention business stuff again, but it's a girl's prerogative to change her mind!  I just wanted to say a huge thank you for the good wishes for the success of Ripples, and to those who ordered yarn.  There has been a lovely flurry, and all packages of yarn ordered so far are  […]

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Saturday, July 19 2008

Eventful Walk

One of the delights of going for walks in the hills around our house is that you never know quite what you'll see while you're out. However today we thought we'd have a relatively short walk, as the weather was a touch on the inclement side. No sooner were we looking over Lexies Loch than Stevan  […]

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Friday, July 18 2008

If you go down to the woods today ...

Late last week I was able to take a guided walk in Culag Woods to learn about some of the plants with medicinal uses that grow in the area.  It was very enlightening, but on walking through the woods I managed to capture this view:No, not through a window frame ...... some clever person had done  […]

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Wednesday, July 16 2008

Bitty Day

Do you have those days when you seem to do lots of little bits and pieces?  Well, today was one of those days.  Not a bad day, but a bitty day.  After doing a reflexology session this morning on my neighbour in exchange for some beautiful fresh veg, it was on to a bit of admin (tax return), and then  […]

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Wednesday, July 9 2008

The Energy Question

In the comments to my last posting, Carol asked if we relied on our solar panels and our wind generator for energy, and indeed we do. When we bought this little house 10 years ago, we enquired about putting in mains electricity. However, the quote that was given to us was astronomical, even back  […]

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Saturday, July 5 2008

Gathering Pace

Yesterday there was a lovely, drying, wind, so I took the opportunity of dyeing some yarn for a fair at Ledgowan Lodge, Achnasheen next Saturday.  The day dawned beautifully sunny, but by the time I'd hung out all the yarn to dry a mist was creeping in off the sea, making the whole area look quite  […]

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Tuesday, July 1 2008

Musical Interlude

In the tiny village of Lochinver there is a really varied and interesting programme of musical concerts arranged each year at the Lochinver Village Hall.  This year the programme ranges from Voces del Sur to the young and talented Anna Massie, and Shooglenifty, and the year ends off with a concert  […]

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