June 2008 (6)

Saturday, June 28 2008

Finding Things ...... perhaps!

A couple of new catchphrases can be heard echoing through the halls of Lockhart Towers:"Have you seen .......?"and"do you know where .....?"to which the response is always short and simple:"No!"I guess that eventually everything will be found, or we will come to the  […]

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Thursday, June 26 2008

Settling In

There were a few rather practical issues that needed our attention this week. For a start, the "lawn" required a little loving care!To give ourselves a bit of breathing space from the unpacking, sorting out, reorganisation, and general chaos, we took ourselves off to the hills for a walk.  […]

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Monday, June 23 2008

New Beginnings

Yesterday evening things in Gattonside were looking a little sad. Half empty rooms:But also a pile of things in the centre of the lounge that we pondered over for some time, wondering quite how we were going to fit it all into my little Fiat.Mungo (the Land Rover) was already full, with two of our  […]

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Thursday, June 12 2008

The Move .... next stage

Just a quick note to let you all know that we'll be "offline" for a while. We'll be taking the last truckload of stuff essential possessions up to our new home on Saturday.  After that we'll be in the Borders for a week before moving up north permanently.Just one question  .... does anyone  […]

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Sunday, June 8 2008

The Move (Part 1)

I can hardly believe that this time last week I was sitting in Frankfurt Airport, in a rainstorm, wondering if I'd get back to Edinburgh. This week has just flown by.Reports continue to come from Brisbane, detailing Mum's treatment and her condition. She continues to take little steps, and is  […]

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Sunday, June 1 2008

Home, safe and sound

Well, everyone is back in their respective countries - me in Scotland, and Mum and Dad are back in Brisbane. Mum and Dad's flight back to Brisbane seems to have been very long and tiring, but uneventful, which is the main thing. Mum is now comfortably ensconced in hospital in Brisbane where she can  […]

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