There has been discussion (again) recently on some forums that I read about what the so called authorities tell you that you can and cannot take onto an aeroplane. I was thinking about this in conjunction with my Mum's accident in Rome.The discussions mainly revolved around which airlines allow or […]
May 2008 (9)
Monday, May 26 2008
Almost home time
Monday, May 26 2008.
Edited by me .....: It looks like I've been well and truely caught!Stevan here again. Helen is still in Rome, although her mother is making more frequent two steps forward than steps back. The absolute latest hot off the press news is that Helen's mum has been just got medical approval to travel, […]
Saturday, May 17 2008
Another week passes in Roma
Saturday, May 17 2008.
I'm still here! And becoming more Roman every day. Given the circumstances of my stay in Rome I find it very surprising that I feel so at home here. I am by no means a city person. I find cities pretty scary places. Edinburgh is about as busy as I like it! And yet Rome is comfortable.I've been in […]
Tuesday, May 13 2008
Rainy Days
Tuesday, May 13 2008.
It is raining on Roma today. And the most astonishing thing happens when it rains here. Suddenly, on every street corner, umbrella sellers appear, as if by magic. And then, as soon as the rain stops, poof, they disappear again.
Monday, May 12 2008
Good News, Bad News
Monday, May 12 2008.
Good news: Yesterday I found a wool shop (or negozio delle lane as I now call it!) close to the hotel.Bad news: it was closed.Good news: it will be open today.Bad news: it will be open today!I've read up online about this wool shop at this blog, and it looks like it may be quite a new experience! […]
Friday, May 9 2008
Hello from Rome
Friday, May 9 2008.
Gosh, what an incredible week it's been. I can't believe that this time last week I had just arrived in Rome, tired, worried, and overwhelmed. But at the same time buoyed up by the support and kindness of so many people. Thank you all for your kind thoughts, prayers, and good wishes for my Mum's […]
More news from Rome
Friday, May 9 2008.
It's Stevan here again, as Helen is still in Rome following the accident her Mum had. Her Mum her still in the hospital, though she was taken out of intensive care, which was a relief. She is still lying horizontally, and it will take a while before she will be strong enough to start getting up. […]
Friday, May 2 2008
News from Rome
Friday, May 2 2008.
This is Stevan here, with a report from Helen in Rome. She arrived safe and sound, but it's now clear she is facing a rather more worrying situation than before as her father was also harmed in the incident but has not yet got medical assistance for himself. It's looking as though Helen will be in […]
Thursday, May 1 2008
Thank you!
Thursday, May 1 2008.
Some of you may know that my Mum has been taken ill while in Rome on holiday. Thank you to all those who have contacted me - I really appreciate your kind thoughts and good wishes.I am off to Rome tomorrow and I'm not sure when I'll be returning, so it will be a little quiet around here for a […]