April 2008 (5)

Thursday, April 24 2008

Blogging - a year and one day on

I'm sorry the Blog has been neglected this last week, and I missed my blogiversary yesterday too! I can't believe I've been blogging for a year. It has been an interesting process, and one that has developed in ways I never imagined it would. When I started out it was purely meant to be a knitting  […]

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Wednesday, April 16 2008


Wednesday afternoons are taken up looking after Cordelia, a 6 year old, going on 18.  We have some interesting conversations.  Today's went something like this:Helen:  So, Cordelia, who's your best friend at school at the moment?Cordelia:  Hmmm, I'm not sure.  Well, there is a boy that I WAS in love  […]

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Sunday, April 13 2008

New Lives

It's a busy time at this time of year if you're a farmer. In the field in front of our house we have a lot of sheep who are not only pregnant, but VERY pregnant. All of them are expecting either triplets or quads. The farmer tried to time lambing to start a little later this year in the hope that  […]

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Thursday, April 10 2008

I forgot ....

In my roundup of April yellowness, I neglected to mention the beautiful, delicate Primrose. Although it is sometimes referred to as an English Primrose, it is found all over Scotland. It is one of my favourite wild flowers.I have seen a few this spring, but they've all been in private gardens, and I  […]

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Monday, April 7 2008

April - the Yellow Month

I always associate April with yellow. The daffodils are all in full bloom:And there is the gorse:and forsythia which I don't have a photo of, but there is quite a bit of it in Gattonside village. Very pretty!Sadly, though, the weeds begin to appear too, but still yellow:But yesterday also turned  […]

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