January 2008 (8)

Wednesday, January 30 2008

Spring is nearly sprung

I know that spring isn't too far away when I see the first snowdrops. Yes there is still quite a bit of winter to go yet (snow forecast later this week), but seeing the first snowdrops reminds you that spring will arrive at some stage. And it always makes me think of the silly rhyme:Spring is  […]

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Friday, January 25 2008

Wet, wet, wet

"Wet" pretty well describes Scotland at the moment. Perhaps you could add "windy" to that. When Heather the Weather said the weather was to be unsettled this week she wasn't fibbing! The week started with snow, which hardened to sheet ice during the night on Monday, resulting in  […]

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Monday, January 21 2008


Lots and lots of snow! Sadly it's not due to snow for much longer but at the moment it looks lovely. Peggy found it a bit chilly and puzzling:But it does make all the plants look very pretty:

Thursday, January 17 2008

I want a swing!

Wednesday afternoons are spent looking after a good friend's little girl after school. Yesterday afternoon when I picked her up it was a beautiful, bright, cold day, and I asked her if she wanted to play in the park next to the school for a wee while. She happily went off, and while I sat watching  […]

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Tuesday, January 15 2008

Plying Up

Ta Dah .....The finished, plyed yarn. We've had some really dull weather the last few days so it's been very difficult to capture the colours - it looks a lot brighter than this in real life.But what to do with it? It is so pretty, and there's not quite enough for a pair of socks unless I use  […]

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Friday, January 11 2008

Boats, cars and pencil roving

I thought I was going to have to give the gorgeous pencil roving I bought recently from The Yarn Yard away - I just could not get to grips with it. It kept breaking, snapping, and generally misbehaving. I was becoming seriously frustrated. But the colours ...How could I give up? I wanted these  […]

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Sunday, January 6 2008

Finished bits and bobs

I managed to get some knitting done while up in Assynt. Firstly, I finished the Noro Lite hot water bottle cover, which was a Christmas present for a friend:I liked the way the colours worked out, and the buttons, although difficult to see in this picture, matched the pink in the Noro perfectly. A  […]

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Wednesday, January 2 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone. I hope 2008 is everything you need/want.We had a quiet Hogmanay, just the two of us (and Peggy and Lexie, of course), curled up in front of the fire. It was a beautiful, starlit evening. After the bells, we went outside and sat on our bench looking up at the stars for a  […]

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