December 2007 (10)

Sunday, December 30 2007

It's so hard!

The countryside around Assynt is so photogenic and inspiring. And when the weather is good (cold, crisp, just as it should be at this time of the year), and the light is just perfect for photography, it makes it very hard to decide which photo's to show you. Oh yes, and very little knitting gets  […]

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Friday, December 28 2007

Clarissa joins in the fun

It would seem that Julius is not alone .... Clarissa has joined in the fun. Apparently the word has spread that Stevan puts crunchy peanut butter in the humane traps that we have, and so they're lining up to get caught. When Stevan takes the trapped mice outside to release them, they make sure that  […]

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Thursday, December 27 2007

Picture Perfect Day

We had a lovely Christmas Day. The weather was just perfect for setting off to the hills for a lovely long walk. It was cold, but lovely and sunny. And the views, as usual, were stunning:Peggy and Lexie had a great time too:The fresh air gave us a good appetite for our dinner!Now .... this is meant  […]

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Tuesday, December 25 2007

Christmas 2007

Happy Christmas everyone. I hope you have a lovely day, whatever it is you do. For us, Christmas Day has just begun, but it will most probably be spent walking in the hills around Loch Lexie, and then back home for roast beef, and all the trimmings.May you have a peaceful day, wherever you are, and  […]

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Monday, December 24 2007

Twas two nights before Christmas

And all through the house, theoretically nothing was stirring, except for a mouse!*  Yes, our old friend Julius is back.  This morning I got up to feed Peggy and Lexie only to find that Julius had filled their food bowls with scraps from the bowl of vegetable peelings and I had left over from making  […]

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Saturday, December 22 2007

Home Again

After a busy week in the Borders where the temperature was barely above freezing all week, and the trees looked beautiful clothed in hoar frost,we set off early on Friday morning to travel home to Assynt for Christmas and New Year.After a brief stop at Cromarty where Stevan had to do some work, and  […]

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Thursday, December 20 2007

Baby it's COLD outside!

It has been very, very cold in the Scottish Borders over the last few days. We had friends up from Hampshire for a few days, and the cold, crisp, sunny days were just perfect for getting out for long walks. On Saturday, after a brief visit to HK in Edinburgh where some very restrained shopping was  […]

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Sunday, December 16 2007

Hustle Bustle

Busy, busy week this past week. Last Saturday was the now probably world famous Johnstons of Elgin Cashmere Sale. 6.20am saw Susie and I, bleary eyed, waiting for Felicity to pick us up and drive us to Hawick, where we queued with other complete nutters for an hour in the icy cold. Fortunately it  […]

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Tuesday, December 11 2007

Simple Light

At this time of the year when we have a still, sunny day, the light is so beautiful. It strikes me as being very simple light, and I just love the effect on the landscape. Out walking the dogs yesterday with my little pocket camera, I tried to capture this effect, with minimal effect, but it gives  […]

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Tuesday, December 4 2007

A really decent fellow

This evening we had the opportunity to meet a really decent fellow. Professor Alexander McCall Smith. What a lovely chap. He entertained the Melrose Literary Society with stories of how he was inspired to write the wonderful tales of Mma Ramotswe, and how he accidentally came to be writing daily  […]

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