November 2007 (8)

Tuesday, November 27 2007

Red in the morning

It was a beautiful morning in the Scottish Borders today. You had to be quick though to catch the red sky over the Eildon hills:as the sky quickly lightened to show the mist that followed the Tweed Valley.Lovely!

Monday, November 26 2007

Bitty Bits

I've been trying to finish various projects off this last week - so far unsuccessfully! However, a few things to show you. Do you remember this handspun yarn? Well it's evolved into this:Only one done so far, but second one will be started (and finished) soon, as I need them! It's turned really cold  […]

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Sunday, November 18 2007

Crafty Work

I may have been unproductive on the blog front this week, but I've been busy with crafty bits and pieces. If only someone would pay me to dabble! I'd earn a fortune. After my beadmaking workshop last weekend, this week began with a visit to Anne, a fellow knitter and brilliant quilter, where we  […]

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Sunday, November 11 2007

Sparklers and Birthday Cake

This evening was spent at a birthday party for my godson. But it also felt like a celebration of what feels like a fast approaching winter. (On my way to the party I passed my first gritter, who liberally sprayed my car with salt.)And what better way to celebrate both a birthday and the approaching  […]

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Saturday, November 10 2007

Glass Class

This morning found me at the gates of Four Winds Inspiration Centre in Edinburgh, to learn how to make glass beads, from scratch! Initially it was all a little daunting as Rachel, our tutor, took us through some of the safety aspects of working with very hot, molten glass, and blow torches working  […]

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Thursday, November 8 2007

Mostly Knitting

Yesterday was Knit and Natter at Woolly Ewe in Kelso. Probably my last one for a while as it clashes with other commitments that I have, sadly. But it was good to catch up with woollyheaded friends. The clocks went back a few weeks ago, and I'm still adjusting, but it does mean the nights are  […]

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Tuesday, November 6 2007

Refresher Course

Monday morning found me driving across the hills to Chesters to meet up with the Border Tart who had promised to try and get me on the straight and narrow with regards spinning. After a couple of hours I was spinning to a fairly consistent thickness, and even managed to do some plying which resulted  […]

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Sunday, November 4 2007

Completed ....

Well, Hearten is complete. Unfortunately Susie left soon after the last stitch was sewn and before I could get a photograph as proof of it's completion. I didn't even see it being worn, but I'm assured that it fits well. So Susie, if you're reading this ..... photo's please!Having finished Hearten  […]

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