October 2007 (9)

Monday, October 29 2007

Woolly Thoughts

Sunday dawned a beautiful, sunny, autumnal day. Stevan was full of the cold, so Peggy, Lexie and I set off for a Sunday walk on our own. We came across these mushrooms - if only I knew more about fungi! They looked so tasty!The beech trees are just looking stunning at the moment. I wish I could do  […]

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Friday, October 26 2007

Knitting again

I realised last week that it was my godson's fourth birthday this week, so I thought a quick little pullover in Rowan Felted Tweed would do the trick. I finished it in no time at all, and it reinforced my love of Felted Tweed.It was a Sirdar Fairisle pattern that I used, only I used Felted Tweed and  […]

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Wednesday, October 24 2007

In a fog

It was a real shock to the system this morning when we got up to find ourselves surrounded by freezing fog. This was a phenonemon that was unknown to me before we came to live in the UK, and while it is frightening stuff to drive in, it does leave you with some beautiful natural displays. This shows  […]

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Saturday, October 20 2007

Finally ....

Odette has been finished! Am I entirely happy with her? - not really. Any changes I'd make next time? - yes! I'd do the border in the same size needle as the main section of the garment rather than a size smaller as instructed by the pattern. I cannot get the border to lie flat on the body. It seems  […]

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Tuesday, October 16 2007

Beaches I have known

Having grown up in Southern Africa, I have seen some beautiful beaches in my day. Fishoek beach probably being high up on my list of favourites. We spent many a family holiday in Fishoek, and met all kinds of people who had some influence in one way or another on our lives. How well I remember those  […]

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Wednesday, October 10 2007

Broken Promises

I know I promised pictures of Odette, but honestly, if I'd shown you photo's of how it looks at the moment it would completely put you off the pattern and the yarn. It looks awful, unshapely, and huge. I need to finish sewing it together and I need to block it a bit. Trust me - you don't want to see  […]

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Tuesday, October 9 2007

Promises, promises ....

I have finally finished knitting Odette. She has yet to be sewn up, but I did have enough yarn to finish her .... just! Once she has been sewn up I suspect I'll only be left with a metre or two of yarn. If it's a nice day tomorrow I promise I'll take photo's to show you.While Stevan has been working  […]

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Sunday, October 7 2007

Assynt Adventures

We arrived back in Assynt yesterday, and the weather gave us quite a glorious welcome.I promise to have pictures soon of Odette, which is nearing completion in terms of knitting, and then only the sewing up to do. I'm still not convinced I'll have enough yarn. I'm eeking out the small amount I have  […]

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Tuesday, October 2 2007

Highland Fling Part 2

After a slightly disturbed night (it was a tad on the chilly side, and Peggy is just not used to having neighbours, so any noise had to get growled, and sometimes, barked at!), we made our way, bleary eyed, to the hotel restaurant for breakfast. It soon revived us! Firstly fresh orange juice,  […]

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