September 2007 (10)

Sunday, September 30 2007

Failte gu Gaidhealtachd

Alternatively, for those of you who don't have the Gaelic, "Welcome to the Country of the Gael". We decided to take a mini-holiday this weekend. On Saturday morning we piled a few belongings in the car, as well as Peggy and Lexie, and headed north west of the Borders towards Crianlarich  […]

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Thursday, September 27 2007

Autumn Wardrobe

Scotland has definitely put away it's summer clothes and unpacked the autumn wardrobe. Trees are changing colour every day now, and everywhere you look there are signs of the approaching winter.These holly berries have yet to turn into the bright red we're so used to seeing on Christmas cards, but  […]

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Saturday, September 22 2007

As promised ....

You may remember sometime back I gave you a little peek of the wedding stole, and promised you more photo's from the big day:Well here they are. Mary looked absolutely gorgeous, and I'm pretty pleased with how Print O the Waves looked too:And just because I'm very proud of it, here's a  […]

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Friday, September 21 2007

A long time ago, and far, far away

I tried "googling" for significant events in 1961, and I didn't find much other than Yuri Gagarin becoming the 1st person to orbit Earth in Vostok 1, South Africa declaring independence from Britain, and the death of Karl Jung. Some well known people were born in 1961 though: George  […]

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Saturday, September 15 2007

Barra - Part 3

Our second day on Barra started mistily, but the mist soon lifted and we had a wonderful walk on the beaches and hills around our hotel. We got some wonderful video footage of what we're pretty sure is a white tailed sea eagle. Stunning! Sadly my photographs didn't come out so well. The cows on the  […]

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Thursday, September 13 2007

Barra - Part 2

We had no transport arranged for while we were on the island. There is a road which runs all the way around the island which you can see here and so we decided to rely on our two feet to get around. Our hotel wasn't ready for us when we arrived, as it was still early, so we left our bag and set off  […]

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Wednesday, September 12 2007

25 years later .....

11th September 1982 was a rainy day. I know that because none of our wedding photographs were taken outside. Stevan and I were married at the Wynberg Corps of the Salvation Army in Cape Town on that day. That was 25 years ago. And yes, I clearly do remember my father saying to me, as we drove  […]

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Sunday, September 9 2007

Gentle Walks

Peggy continues to recover well, but we've still been taking more gentle walks than we normally would. With Susie and Jessi staying with us we took the opportunity to visit Harestanes for a stroll through the lovely woods. Although not all the autumn colours are out yet, there were some lovely  […]

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Thursday, September 6 2007

Tough Week

It's been a tough week or two in the Lockhart household. But we're beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel. Peggy, our Yorkshire Terrier, has been very ill. However, thanks the the great treatment of our vets at Gibson and Gibson, she's on the road to recovery. Today we had some  […]

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Saturday, September 1 2007

No title

This morning dawned bright and sunny, just the perfect day for a Fair. So after piling Peggy and Lexie into Mungo, the Land Rover, we headed across to Kelso to the St James' Fair. There was a Continental Market with the most enticing spices:and sweet, dried fruits,as well as a King and Queen of the  […]

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