August 2007 (8)

Tuesday, August 28 2007

Quiet Times

It was a bank holiday weekend this last weekend, and for various reasons we decided we needed a quiet one. But we did venture out to Jedburgh to have a wander around the town. We had a lovely sunny day, and I managed to get a couple of photographs of the abbey. The sun looked so pretty shining  […]

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Thursday, August 23 2007

Knitting pays!

As I mentioned a couple of days ago my biggest sister (in age!) is on a trip to Australia. Her adventure started as soon as she set off on her first flight. What should have been a fairly straightforward 24 hour journey turned into a very long, and at times very frightening, 48 hour journey. After a  […]

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Tuesday, August 21 2007


I love it when I choose a pattern for someone I want to knit something for, only to find they would have chosen the exact same pattern. This happened yesterday with my niece. I had this pattern in mind for her for a pretty sweater to keep her warm during her first autumn in Edinburgh, and when I  […]

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Saturday, August 18 2007

Little Adventures

I was trying to take a photo of Odette to show you how well she was progressing, but a rather jealous Yorkie who wanted my attention got in the way:But Odette is progressing well, although I'm becoming concerned about yarn quantities. The size I'm doing calls for 15 balls of Rowan Kidsilk Aura, but  […]

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Tuesday, August 14 2007

Where did the knitting go?

I know there has been precious little knitting content on this "knitting blog" recently. Sorry about that, but that is mainly because there has been precious little knitting done! Since finishing Tithe in record time (for me, that is) I've been struggling to finish the collar on Juno (I'm  […]

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Thursday, August 9 2007

Summer Delights

The weather in Assynt can, at times, be described as variable ..... one day it may be like this:but the next day it can look like this:Today was just such a day. The sun shone, there was just enough breeze to keep the dreaded midge at bay, and the children had an absolute ball on the beach. As did  […]

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Monday, August 6 2007

Wild Life

It never ceases to amaze me that (sometimes) when I put some seeds in the ground they actually grow. A couple of months ago I cleared a small patch of ground in the garden and sprinkled some wild flower seeds over it. I've done this in the past and absolutely nothing has come up, so I didn't hold  […]

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Wednesday, August 1 2007

Angels and Pies

Today Stevan needed to visit an office on the York University campus for a meeting, so Lexie, Peggy and I took the opportunity to venture south of the Scottish Border in order to visit York. After passing the wonderful Angel of the North,and some very pretty poppies,we left Stevan to his meeting and  […]

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