The last weekend in July is given over to the Border Union Agricultural Show. It's a good day out, and best of all dogs are welcome, which really pleases Lexie as she loves nothing more than to be among lots of people. It was a windy day, but dry, thankfully. There were bright, shiny new […]
July 2007 (12)
Tuesday, July 24 2007
Wedding Jitters
Tuesday, July 24 2007.
No .... I'm not getting married again, but I felt quite nervous posting the wedding stole off to the bride-to-be this afternoon. I was both sorry to see it go and yet thrilled to send it on it's way. Do you want to see?No ..... I couldn't possibly show you before the bride's seen it.Okay then ... […]
Friday, July 20 2007
Once upon a time.......
Friday, July 20 2007.
Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin ....Once upon a time, a long time ago, there was a little girl who was on a ship called the Edinburgh Castle, somewhere between Southampton and Cape Town. The little girl's mother had not realised during the journey there would be a fancy dress […]
Tuesday, July 17 2007
Sunshine Day
Tuesday, July 17 2007.
Today was lovely and sunny and I thought there were no more excuses, I had to get the grass cut. It takes about an hour and a half to cut all our grass, not so much because we have lots of grass, rather that we have lots of moss! It fills up the lawn mower hopper so quickly and I need an incentive […]
Sunday, July 15 2007
A Saturday Walk
Sunday, July 15 2007.
Although the dogs get walked every day, over the weekend we try to take them on walks that will give them as much freedom off the lead as possible. Peggy loves to run. I've never had a dog who loves her freedom as much as Peggy does. She hates being on the lead, pulling constantly, which is why we […]
Saturday, July 14 2007
Saturday, July 14 2007.
Growing up in South Africa, with lots of space, walls rarely came into my life. But when they did they were usually of the vibracrete variety. I'm pretty sure vibracrete is peculiar only to Southern Africa, and it is easy to spot television adverts that are filmed in South Africa because of the […]
Tuesday, July 10 2007
Even More Greeness
Tuesday, July 10 2007.
Remember Juno?Well she's progressing well after I ripped her all out and started a size larger. Here is how she currently looks:The back and two fronts are finished, and I've started the first sleeve. I'm really looking forward to beginning the collar, and to having a new cardigan all for myself. […]
Sunday, July 8 2007
A Greener Life
Sunday, July 8 2007.
When we bought our home in Assynt it did not have mains electricity. We looked at getting mains installed, but were quoted close to £4000, and that was back in 1998. We decided that money could be better spent installing an alternative energy system so we did not have to rely on mains electricity. […]
Friday, July 6 2007
Have Strimmer, will Strim
Friday, July 6 2007.
One of the difficulties of being away from Assynt for a number of weeks is returning to meadows, where once there was just ordinary grass.The meadow grass this year is awfully pretty. Just my shade of purple:A few years ago we invested (heavily!) in a heavy-duty industrial strimmer. It certainly […]
Wednesday, July 4 2007
Having problems accessing my blog?
Wednesday, July 4 2007.
Apologies to those of you who've been having problems. It is a problem with our ISP, and they're trying to sort it out, but it is taking a bit longer than they had hoped. In the meantime, patience is the order of the day, and hopefully access will soon be trouble free. […]
Tuesday, July 3 2007
Even more rain
Tuesday, July 3 2007.
All I seem to say nowadays is that it's raining again! We're awfully fortunate because we live on very high ground on the side of a hill, so rain just runs off the ground without causing us any problem. Some folks further south of us have not been so lucky. An advantage of our location is the views […]
Sunday, July 1 2007
More Woolfeasting
Sunday, July 1 2007.
I promised more pictures of Woolfest, and here they are ...There were goats:and sheep:and llamas:and Manx sheep:and even a Wye Sue:Wye Sue was doing a stirling job at the KCG stand persuading people to join. She was released from duties later on during the day, and we met up again a little later […]