My friend, Stella, and I set off this morning to my second Woolfest. The threatened heavy rain wasn't as bad as expected, and so we made good time to Cockermouth. Two hours after leaving, and we were safely inside the Mitchells Lakeland Livestock Centre sustaining ourselves with a cup of coffee and […]
June 2007 (13)
Wednesday, June 27 2007
Wednesday, June 27 2007.
Peggy and Lexie had a mini-holiday last night. We spent the night with our friends up in Edinburgh, and as you can see the dogs had a great deal of fun. Lexie loves to visit I&J because they play football with her for as long as she likes/demands. Peggy was feeling left out (football is NOT […]
Sunday, June 24 2007
It'll look good eventually .....
Sunday, June 24 2007.
Remember this?Well she's looking a little different now:But she doesn't look like much, does she? I promise, she'll look better eventually. This next picture shows the markers which I've placed every 8 stitches. The border has a 16 row pattern repeat, and every second row you pick up a live stitch […]
Saturday, June 23 2007
Tuppence a Bag
Saturday, June 23 2007.
We feed the birds, but not at tuppence a bag - more like £10 a bag. We don't begrudge the birds their food. No, really, we don't. But when they started going through a bag every two weeks, Stevan tried to convince me that the poor wee birds were starving, and he described how they would look at him, […]
Wednesday, June 20 2007
Brewing Heavy Weather
Wednesday, June 20 2007.
It was Knit and Natter time in Woolly Ewe in Kelso today. There had been warnings of heavy rain and flooding, so I'd taken Mungo, the Land Rover, in case the road was flooded. Nothing was going to keep me away from Knit and Natter! But it was a lovely, sunny and warm day, but there were hints of […]
Monday, June 18 2007
Gee Gees Galore
Monday, June 18 2007.
Every year in the Scottish Border towns there is the season of Common Ridings and Town Festivals. We are fortunate enough to live close to where the Melrose Rideout passes, and what is intially a quiet part of the Southern Upland Way:becomes a highway for horses. This year there must have been […]
Sunday, June 17 2007
An important time for knitters
Sunday, June 17 2007.
As knitters I sometimes feel we are as far removed from the real source of our passion as we are when we go to the supermarket and buy our food, with very little knowledge about exactly where it comes from. Today Kevin, the farmer, was rounding up the sheep to have them ready in for shearing in the […]
Friday, June 15 2007
More of the same, only different ...
Friday, June 15 2007.
I've begun the very special version of Print O the Waves, and so far have completed 17 repeats of the centre panel. Here it is after 10 repeats:I got 5 balls of Kid Silk Haze Night, but I'm beginning to have concerns about running out. I estimate that I used just under 900 yards of the Zephyr for my […]
Tuesday, June 12 2007
A Room with a View
Tuesday, June 12 2007.
One of the best things about being a reflexologist is the location of my "office". I work from Sorrowlessfield Centre, near Earlston in the Scottish Borders. And this is the view from my window:Yes, that is a tipi you can see in the garden. Every so often we have an open day at the centre, […]
Monday, June 11 2007
Please be upstanding ....
Monday, June 11 2007.
For Print O the Waves. She is lovely, isn't she?Here's another view:Vital statistics are as follows: Yarn used: Jaggerspun Zephyr which is 50% silk, 50% wool in colour JuniperAmount Used: about 70g of the 100g that I bought. Pre-blocking size: 17" x 51"Post-blocking size: 25" x […]
Saturday, June 9 2007
One plus one equals....
Saturday, June 9 2007.
Oneplus oneequalsyummy pasta. […]
Tuesday, June 5 2007
Agony and Ivory
Tuesday, June 5 2007.
Is there anyone out there who truly enjoys going to the dentist? I really feel sorry for dentists. Imagine going to work every day knowing that the people who you're going to see that day really don't want to be there and don't want to see you. It must be awful. I'm very fortunate with my teeth, and […]
Friday, June 1 2007
A little visitor
Friday, June 1 2007.
We had a tiny visitor this morning. So tiny that initially I thought it was a large bug of some kind, but when I looked again this is who we had visiting us:A tiny shrew. One of the delights of living in the country is occasionally we have littile visitors like this. Yesterday I had to rescue a […]