April 2007 (7)

Monday, April 30 2007

Mellow Yellow and Magnificent Maroon

Spring is such a yellow season in Scotland - daffodils, forsythia, oil seed rape, gorse, broom, to say nothing of the swathes of dandelions that line the edge of the lanes. But, in amongst all the yellow there is also to be found deep, rich, velvety, maroon:Behold my first Peony of the year. Isn't  […]

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Sunday, April 29 2007

The magic of pulped paper and cow parsley

I went on a papermaking workshop yesterday, organised by the Tweed Guild of Spinners, Weavers and Dyers. What fun! I've no photographs yet which prove the end result, but believe me that this:eventually turns into paper!My paper is all laid out in the spare room at the moment, carefully drying,  […]

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Friday, April 27 2007

The smell of freshly cut grass - and garlic

The edge of our garden is covered in wild garlic, and one of the hazards of cutting the grass is that you also cut the garlic, and the smell can be pretty overpowering at times. Garlic and freshly cut green grass - not the best combination! Although it's probably the sort of combination you'd hear  […]

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Thursday, April 26 2007

Fab Thursdays

Thursdays are Fab. Firstly because each Thursday morning starts with Yoga. But secondly because I leave this outside the front door:and a few hours later, thanks to Tweed Valley Organics, this arrives:If you live in the Scottish Borders, they're worth supporting. There's a link in the blogroll.And I  […]

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Wednesday, April 25 2007

Knitters are a special breed

It's amazing how people who you've never met can be so kind. A fellow Rowanette* recently sent me a spare copy of a pattern which she had and which I wanted, which was kind enough, but in the post today this arrived:A set of Crystal Palace circular knitting needles. She thought I may make more use  […]

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Tuesday, April 24 2007

A little bit of knitting

I promised some photographic evidence of knitting, and here it is. First of all a photo of Kiri, knitted in Rowan Kid Silk Haze for a student who is getting married later this year. Kiri is a great pattern and once you get going it grows so quickly. Thanks Polly! Kid Silk Haze is probably one of my  […]

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Monday, April 23 2007

First Post

Hello! Just to set things straight from the start, this will mostly be a knitting blog. It will be a record, mostly for myself, of my finished objects. There will also be bits and pieces thrown in from time to time about other things. Probably mostly about our dogs! But any extras will be aimed at  […]

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